Author name: bhuvaneshchandar


Positivity against Hatred – Random Thoughts

Look, maybe contrary to what others say, sometimes you might feel that the “love” others express to you, is a weakness as you tend to reciprocate more of it and that the “hatred” people show towards you, is what strengthens you. You aren’t wrong and you needn’t be totally right. I have been there too. But if you feel that way, use it and “start learning to change that hatred into positivity”. Some years ago after my schooling, when I was not at my best, and was just a broken human surviving with no hope or motivation about my future, I was fortunate enough to have learnt this lesson. I started using the hatred around me to build up my positivity and I still feel that is my biggest strength and I have also grown up to be a person who accepts love, as it is. It’s much similar to what we learn in our commerce classes – competition is always healthy if you know how to handle it. If someone is bitching behind your back, don’t react much for you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. If someone criticises you directly, sends an abusive message, etc etc, feel the pain, give it back in return if you feel your self respect is at stake, realise how tall you’re than them, ask yourself if you’re being true to yourself and use that hatred towards building up your positive attitude. This is exactly what I told in a write-up I posted previously about Isaignani. This maybe looks so simple to you given the amount of words written in the net trying to express the same, but you would feel so damn good in the future when you are wielding a super power of processing hatred into positivity and not just that, you’d be starting to think more before hating others. But it’s not that easy, as we humans tend to hate hatred. It is indeed tough, but that’s how it is supposed to be

Poetry, Short Stories, தமிழ்

மழையின் சத்தம்

மழையின் சத்தம் அதிகரிக்க, போர்வையை முகத்திலுர்ந்து நீக்கினாள். “ஏய்ய் என்ன?” “மறந்துட்டேன். கொடி-ல துணி.” என்றாள். “பாத்தேன்… ச்சி விடு. இப்போ இங்க யாருக்கு துணி வேணும்?” என்று சொல்லி அவள் கழுத்தை இன்னொரு முறை முத்தமிட்டு வேட்டையாடினான். “நாளைக்கு office- கும் இப்படியே போறேன்-னு சொல்லு…நானும் விட்டுட்றேன்” “இப்படியே மழை பேஞ்சா office போக எப்படி தோணும்? முழு நேரமும் இங்கயே இருப்பேனே” பதில் சொல்ல வந்தவளை சொல்ல விடாமல் முத்தமிட்டான். நகரத்தைப் போர்வைப் போல் சூழ்ந்த அந்த மேகங்களால் வெளியே வெப்பம் குறைந்ததோ இல்லையோ, வீட்டின் உள்ளே சுகமாய் அமைந்தது பல போர்வை நொடிகள்.


Where was “The Nolan Factor” in Dunkirk?

We have seen enough number of movies about war/ relating to a war. I would bet that when I said “War“, you are already thinking about those massive introduction sequences, thrilling shooting scenes between the protagonist and the enemy ( like, Behind the enemy lines), bombs exploding all over and the protagonist running amidst them (Ex: Forrest Gump, Avatar, etc) scenes, the comebacks, the political twists behind the war and emotional conversations between a dying soldier and a lead character. But Dunkirk has no such scenes and Nolan was crystal clear with his approach towards what he wanted the audience to experience. When we’re talking about a real story which was documented in history, the information available is in abundance and a usual movie writer would’ve made his imagination run amok and create something out of the available. This is exactly where Nolan stood out. Purely for understanding purposes, if we take Hey Ram, Kamal haasan was clear with where his imagination should take over and where the actual facts should be highlighted. He knew what to show in it and had a clear timeline fixed to the script which circled around a particular incident and a time period in History. When we are talking about War Heroes, Commanders and Officers, one would create some spin chilling conversations between the characters ( like in Inglorious Basterds, a masterpiece of Tarantino), but Dunkirk has very minimal, yet very effective and strong dialogues. If all the above mentioned is unavailable in Dunkirk then where did the movie succeed? And the answer to that is the magic of Christopher Nolan. Without any of the above, he has managed to teleport us into the war zone, so much so that it suffocates to us when the soldiers in the movie struggle and it gives us a smile when something positive happens to them. Brilliant cinematography is another key aspect which gave a supporting hand to this magnificent writing. It was a sheer joy to see how the characters, which had no proper introduction or shared screen space, fleshed out eventually to the level that was perfectly required for the setting, only through their activities during the proceedings and the performance of the actors If Christopher Nolan is the magician to this Act called “Dunkirk”, then Hans Zimmer is the Prestige. It is safe to say that without Hans Zimmer’s scores, this movie would’ve lacked any impact and without the visuals and the writing, the background scores would’ve felt just like some alternative tunes to The Dark Knight Joker theme. It was a dual act which was executed to it’s very best. Handling stories which have morality as the base concept seems to be too easy for Nolan and we’re already ready to travel in this honest, painful wave filled of hope, a few more times. Let’s travel together into this emotional, intense, knee jerking portal and live as British/French soldiers for a solid 2 hours. Let’s experience a historical moment from the World War 2 from the eyes of a soldier

Musings, Poetry

An Insecure Mind: What-ifs and Maybes

Just when we feel that we have got it all sorted out, this uncertain life of us, throws at us some situations, people, etc and disrupts the clarity..

It’s like the popular quote, “When you find the answer, life changes it’s question”.

Out of the blue you meet someone, you get attached to them, time creates illusions and unsettlement, you start to feel insecure, you start missing them and your mind starts to over think.

Most of us have gone through this phase of ‘insecurity’. Such phases are one of the best learning curves in our lives.

So What exactly does a person feel or think during those insecure phases?

I have listed down some of the “What-ifs and Maybes that run in an insecure mind”


“It’s good to be nice to everyone. But…”

“No matter how strong you’re mentally, you can never be the shoulder to lean upon for everyone you care and it is a harsh truth we all have to accept.”   No matter how much time you invest in being that person for some people, after a certain point, you’ll feel as if all you’re just a punching bag for them and that you can’t take any more negativity!   There’s always this pressure on top of us to be the strongest support system and to take all of it.   For some special people in your life, of course, no matter what it takes, no matter even if you’re in the worst of times, you’ll be there for them, and it need not necessarily be just for our own satisfaction of being there for them!   But that’s not the case for everyone you care isn’t! Maybe that’s another reason why they are really ‘special‘.   The most important thing we’ve to understand is that we can never take the risk of losing ourselves in the process of being there for others. Sounds selfish? You’ve to be!   It’s good to be nice to everyone. But it’s even healthier to be nice to yourself first.


Random Thoughts #6

I don’t know if I am the only one who feels this way or not.   So for example, let’s say you read and liked a post I wrote about a particular subject or you are interested in something I told you before (say, a film director/movie/any celebrity etc). Now, it’s not necessary that I should know anything else about the subject, other than the context which I have written or spoken of. Even if it is relevant to the context, it’s highly impossible for me to have all my knowledge about that context at my disposal for you, whenever and wherever you’re asking me and especially when it is something that’s completely irrelevant to the other topics which we were talking about that time.   People have to understand that personal choices, opinions and ideologies are framed in our mind after a series of thought processes and it requires that frame of mind and for some people it will require that particular mood to talk about it.   If you’re asking me via a text message or a comment, then I can take my own time to think about it and answer it. But when it comes to other interpersonal communication channels, it’s tough because consciously I know for a fact that you’re there either staring at me or giving me that awkward silence, expecting me to give a quick reply and hence I end up yakking something that’s incomplete or something that’s not very true, because of the pressure and later, after some time, go on to state the exact fact about it.   I maybe a hypocrite regarding this issue and if I ever made you feel uncomfortable like this, I apologize.   PS: Now I feel how absurd that joke- “students have to answer all the questions in all the subjects but even the teacher will not be able to do it” – really is.


Happy Valentine’s Day

Like a cast of spell it makes us to see things differently. It will be the very same person, you’ve seen for a long time, in parties and hangouts; It will be the very same person whose Facebook pics know your face more than them.   But how is it that you can suddenly notice certain things which you never thought were that beautiful?   The way they shake their head while they talk; the way their voice changes when they speak about love, or something they love; the resisting smile they throw at you in the mornings which can make every emotion in your conscious mind feel shy; the way their eyes react when you’re with them; the way they sit; the measured texts, now growing boundary less; On how their strict parents have left them to text late night beneath the sheets, which protects those rays of cell phone screen light kept at its lowest brightness level; The way they sip their coffee, as if nothing happened, after fighting it out at job to get permission for leave so that they can spend some time on your birthday; The care they show effortlessly; The way they flirt; The way your friends have become so comfortable with them; The way they take each step while walking in those sands with you; The way they can adjust their schedules so that they can be at the railway station, when you’re going on a trip; The way they describe you through their art; The good qualities you’ve got from them; The bad habits you’ve got from them, yet which you don’t regret; The way they can think a birthday wish; The way they fight; The way things you thought were clichés have become niches; The million other ways through which they show love.   Even the way they break up with you can be beautiful.   Are all these love? Or is love, the fact that you can observe all these things without effort!? People who believe in Real Magic don’t believe in tricks or logic. Not sure if i believe in Real Magic, but i do believe in Love, at least now

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