Author name: bhuvaneshchandar


Random Thoughts #5: When the old “You”haunts

Have you ever felt that compelling pressure inside you when you know that all it takes to gain respect/ love/ attention/ friendship/care, etc from a particular person was to be like a person whom you can imagine of or to be someone whom you were in your past? Maybe you know that you changed and events in life evolved and made you into a better version of yourself, but the pressure to become that old person is too much. The reasons for such a feeling need not necessarily be restricted to another person; it can be about your workplace environment, your career, goals, and social relationships or hey, it can just be your mind and nothing else. Have you lived in those times when you have practiced a new routine or a new lifestyle for so many days, yet something or other, even if doesn’t entail another human, makes you feel like you’re getting back your old weaknesses which you conquered once and that you’ve no idea what you’re now and if all this is like a loop? You may face times when you doubt yourself, that if you’re slowly becoming that old person and if you’re embracing the vulnerabilities you had. The way i see it, no matter how much self confidence and emotional strength you’ve got, you may still feel the doubt, but whether or not to think upon the doubt is in your mind. Over thinking in this regard may harm your self confidence a lot. If you’re able to live through this feeling and if you’re able to be yourself, completely, even if you haven’t gained much respect/ or love or anything you wanted or even if things did not happen the way you wanted it to happen, still you’re a very successful ‘person’


Random Thoughts #4

Whenever you’re addressing an elderly person, especially when you’re conveying something which seems to be in the tone of advising them or pointing out some mistake they did or giving suggestions, try to be humble and respect the fact that they’re elderly to you and also convey this respect for their experience. Maybe you want them to take the message so seriously. Maybe you are talking facts and maybe you have the evidences or assumptions with you. Maybe you’re talking with reference to something that happened in your life. Maybe you have crossed a very difficult path and you know things better than the other person. Still, if you really want to help them out, do appreciate their experience and convey this to them. You obviously don’t want them to embrace their egoistic side, avoid your valuable message and end up falling into the pit which you feared not to happen to them. It is completely fine to be egoistic in this matter. An elderly person will have a mind-set that they’re more capable of handling emotions and their experience will feed their ego. Let’s take a simple example, let’s say that you were in 5th or 6th standard when you remotely understood or you started thinking/hearing words like Kiss, Love and Sex. Or let’s say that you started using or hearing swear words. It seemed normal for you then. But when you’ve become a matured person relatively, seeing another kid who is studying in 5th or 6th, talking about kiss, love, sex and using swear words is going to make you feel weird. You’ll probably be pissed off and you will be worried about the parenting or the environment the kid is having. Even if you know the fact that you were like him, you’ll still feel a bit weird by that. This ego is pretty normal. Kids aged 5, these days are using Ipads and Iphones which you may feel is very bad but you have to understand that there was a period when people thought movies and television were not for children. This ego is because of our understanding that we think that we’re in the right age to know or feel about something and hence a younger person would not be able to relate to it. This sort of judging comes pretty naturally these days. People are going to come to you and start sharing their personal problems or start talking about something important and the minute they come to know that you’re too young, they’re going to dismiss you. Conveying the fact that you’re respecting their experience has nothing to do with the frankness of your message or the tone of your message. Maybe the person is going to dismiss your message regardless of you stating it or not, but it is always better to state this and then at the least feel satisfied that you’ve tried helping them out in some way honestly. “Age is just a number” will sound cool only in some situations and mostly only to you in this regard.

Cinespecs, Short Stories

Sully: Kelly Sullenbeger

On 15th January 2009,  US Airways Flight 1549 which, three minutes after take-off from New York City’s LaGuardia, struck a flock of Canada Geese just northeast of the George Washington Bridge and consequently lost all engine power. Unable to reach any airport, pilots Chesley Sullenberger and Jeffrey Skiles glided the plane to a ditching in the Hudson River off midtown Manhattan. All 155 people aboard were rescued by nearby boats and there were few serious injuries. It was reported that immediately after the bird strike, Captain Sullenberger contacted the Air Controllers and obtained permission to land in the Teleboro Airport as he felt it was impossible to land back at LaGuardia airport as the altitude was very low. But unfortunately Captain felt that the altitude was very low to land it in Teleboro Airport too and hence decided to land it in the Hudson River. This incident was called as the “Miracle of the Hudson” and “The most successful ditching in the Aviation history”. A investigation was made on the incident and later on it was concluded that landing in the Hudson River was the best option that the Captain had to save the 155 passengers on-board. This incident propelled Captain Chesley Sullenberger to national fame. A Movie, directed by Clint Eastwood, was made on this incident [ Sully(2016) ]. Amongst the lot of emotions that was running in my mind after watching the movie, I really wanted to know about the emotions that Kelly and Kate, the 2 daughters of Chesley Sullenberger, would have had in those days of turmoil after that life changing event, when they had to face some events that no one ever imagined would happen. It is hard to replicate the feelings of a person whom i hardly know and who’s miles away from me. So I tried to collect as many information, it was possible to collect through the internet, and give a near perfect culmination about the emotion that was going through in the minds of Kelly Sullenberger. I read blog posts posted by other people who knew Kelly,and her neighbour; I stalked their Instagram and Facebook accounts to find something which would help me write this. So every detailing i have done is very precise to an extent, like the sense of humour of her sister Kate or the fact that her most memorable family outing was to the Disney Land. So let me tell you that this just an imaginary writing and it is not meant to disrespect or to harm the person concerned or any other person related to her.   Hello there. This is Kelly Sullenberger. I have always been reluctant to share my experiences during the famous January 15 2009 event and what happened the days following that. But after all these years , now feel like expressing all those emotions through this post. This is about the daughter of a famous pilot who landed a passenger Airbus US Flight 1549, which was in a very critical state after a bird strike left both the engines damaged, on Hudson River to save 155 lives. This is about a 14 year old girl who lived through an incident which endangered her father’s life and also which made her witness her hero become her nation’s hero. But more than that, this is about a daughter who was worried a bit more than any other day, about her father who worked as a pilot. I still remember what we were doing that day. Kate and i were talking about the newly opened restaurant in Danville near our school.  We were just playing around when Mom got a call. After brief moments she asked us to switch on the T.V and Kate immediately switched it on. That was a moment, a pilot’s kids should never ever witness. We couldn’t believe what the flash news was about.  A huge passenger Airbus was floating on a river. There was no news flashing about the details of the passengers. I was worried about the people who were in it. The news reporter started reading out the report and i immediately increased the volume of the television. As the news reporter read out that the captain of the Airbus who decided to land it on the Hudson river was Chesley Sullenberger, i started contemplating the possibilities of what would have happened and about the news that the phone call passed on to Mom.  Kate and I couldn’t control any more. We looked at mom. She would have understood how we felt. With a voice filled with firmness she said, “Daddy’s fine. He was the one who called” A fresh breathe of relief we had. I distinctly remember the days that followed the incident. Kate and I were glued to the televisions. There was a huge crowd of reporters and media persons outside our house. We couldn’t go out even to our neighbor Kelsey Ott’s house. Dad was the talk of the week in Danville, in San Francisco bay, and in America. Dad called mom the next day and informed that it would take some more days for him to come as there was an investigation scheduled. Kate overhead mom talking to someone about how dad was finding it difficult to sleep. We were worried a lot and we couldn’t sleep properly for some nights thereafter too. Kate and I used to talk a lot and were supportive to each other during those days. Kate’s sense of humour came to good use during those days. Being the daughter of a pilot is very tough. It takes a lot to understand when your dad is out there risking his life to make good lives for your family. During one of those days, as i had to be homebound due to the huge crowd out there and since I was sick of all those theories flashed in news which were against my dad, I sat home and read all those short quotes and pictures I designed to show


Random Thoughts: Harsh Realities

‘Desires become fantasies. Passion becomes a luxury you can’t afford’ Is it just about money and time?…. You tell me. People doubted you? You know you can prove them wrong. People never supported you? Someone, some day will support you. Is it about the pain of letting it go? Maybe it is. Because you seem to get hurt every time you hear the word “harsh reality”, as reality seems to be too harsher than the word itself. You would want a person to do something which is beyond control and beyond the relationship you share with them, as it feels too comfortable to your mind. You want a staircase towards your goal as you think you have already suffered enough striving towards it. You don’t want people to change. You want them to overcome the hurdles of time and distance. You want them to not change the emotional mind frame you share with each other. You want all the facilities, finance, and support to pursue what you feel as you think the real struggle is only about nurturing the plant and not about setting up the pot. Ironically, your mind somewhere down the line did realise the harsh reality about this. Contrary to what many believe, human mind is too simple and fragile towards such harsh realities. Maybe you realised it and you don’t feel anything over it and maybe you could go on keeping this thought in your conscious. But not all situations are alike and predictable for us to subjugate whatever it offers. But what is the thing that’s troubling you when you have already realised the situation? It’s just that some fantasies and some desires seem to be so comfortable that you feel like floating aloft over every other negative feeling you feel. Your heart wants to keep thinking, that the reality is not really a reality and wants to submerge itself in this chalice of sub conscious, while your mind has already concluded consciously what it actually is. But we do overcome it pretty soon. The sooner we realise the fact, the less harsh it seems. So we don’t have facilities, finance, and support towards what we want to do. We can’t control and expect a lot from anyone. So what’s the solution for it? What is the conclusion beyond the mental mind frame we form towards it? Well you should ask yourself these questions and find an answer as there’s no other person like you in this globe. There are no custom made answers and that is one more harsh reality for you to chew upon.



IDHAYAM IDAM MARIYADHE- FALLING IN LOVE WITH THE LYRICS I have had big ‘crushes’ on songs – so much so that they would make me come back to them, every single day to rethink the relationship I share with them. I never felt this tugging, intense love for any other song, a love that provides a psychological edge over the deepest emotions my mind dares not to venture. I fell in love with this song. Intense love, it is. Not because it gave me what i felt i wanted, but it changed my perception on what i wanted out of the song. I’ve lost sanity over the reflections of the deepest emotions. Yes, the objects in the reflection were closer than they appear. What emotions were they? Love? Lust? Anger? Desperation? Solitude? It was a combination of all these. And I did not want to venture deep inside these emotions, fall in love/ feel lustful/ Relish rage/ Dethrone desperation/ give a flying kiss to solitude. I just wanted to know how it would feel and i got it through the reflections. I fell in love with the lyrics of this song. So let me try to my best of writing knowledge to take you into a journey of how i fell in love with her, the lyrics. She doesn’t give a huge, dramatic entrance. She’s like that next door girl you see every day. “இதயம் இடம் மாறியதே.. விழிகள் வழி மாறியதே இதுதானே காதல் என்று அசரீரி கேட்கின்றதே” Yes she’s beautiful. But you start to wonder if it’s a trick to mesmerise you. You start over thinking as to what will follow. But she doesn’t give a damn about what you feel. She’s going to go in her own elegant way. “இந்த பூமி முழுவதும் அழகாய் மாறிபோனதேனோ என் வானம் மீது புதிதாய் ஒரு மேகம் மிதப்பதேனோ” Now her features seem to synchronize with your present state. Suddenly you feel that you concentrated an inch more than what you should and your world has been captivated by music and sheer peace. “மனமே மனமே எதனால் இத்தனை உற்சாகம் உணக்குள்ளே புதுவித தடுமாற்றம் உனக்கென்ன நடந்தது சொல்வாயோ? ஓ… மனமே மனமே எதனால் இத்தனை கொண்டாட்டம் கண்ணுக்குள்ளே கனவுகள் கொடியேற்றம் உனக்கென்ன நடந்தது சொல்வாயோ?” You ask yourself now and give a tad at the back of your head to assure you that you’re human. So human, that you never realized the attraction. You seem so addicted that you feel the scent of madness and mystery from her. But she has already decided not to spare anyone. She isn’t going to stop for a fool who seems to have fallen in love with half her beauty. She is going to kill him. The musical veil of the princess is now taking it’s share in this dangerous mind game. As the beat keep increasing, and the rhythm shakes hands with the chorus in the background, you seem too excited to look at that woman one more time and she doesn’t disappoint you. “செஞ்சூரியன் ஜோதியில் சந்திரன் ஒளி சேர்ந்ததோ அசைந்தாடும் ஆழியில் அழகிய நதி கலந்ததோ காலமென்னும் நதியில் விழுந்து இரவும் நகர்ந்தது… பகலும் நகர்ந்தது.. இதயமும் நகர்ந்ததுவோ… இதயம் இடம் மாறியதே.. விழிகள் வழி மாறியதே இதுதானே காதல் என்று அசரீரி கேட்கின்றதே” She seems to be taking in the musical nectar offered to her. It makes her flow like a summer breeze. You lose your concentration and you start focusing on the musical ramp gifted to you. And towards the end, she gives back the very same look. The same looked that nearly swept you off your feet. But this time you feel very familiar with it and it doesn’t cause you any trouble. It smooches your senses and passes by. And a new fresh musical tune seems to start. As of now you seem to know what might happen next. You start imaging what she would do. But she has other plans of presenting herself to you.. ” அலைப்பாயும் காதலே.. அணையாத தீயா.. வலித்தாலும் காதலே..இனிக்கின்ற நோயா” Yes she appears with a different, magnificent look. She appears with KC Chitra’s voice. You are speechless. You never saw her, this beautiful. Ever. Can elegance consume elegance to such extent? Kaalamennum nadhiyil vizhundhu azhagai azhagaakinaalo? How can i explain this beauty? Maybe i can sing Muzhumathy avaladhu, from the same album and describe her beauty to perfection? “இசையோடு சேரும் தாளம் ஸ்ருதியோடு பாடும் ராகம் அதை போல எந்தன் நெஞ்சம் உன்னை சேர்ந்ததே, உள்ளம் சாய்ந்ததே காதலின் கால் தடம் தந்ததும் தீயா.. தந்ததும் தீயா. தீயை தொட்டு ரசித்தால், வந்ததும் நீயா” And she proves yet again to you her character. She’s as beautiful in the inside as she looks outside. You marry her at this moment. She’s all yours now. But she’s not any other mystery girl. She seems to have more surprises and many other faces to show. The musical thickness recedes and singer Kartik goes into a familiar tone of story telling with a rhythm fitted with it. “எந்தன் கணவிலோர் பூந்தோட்டம்… பூக்கள் பூக்கும் பெண்ணே உன்னாலே… பூவின் வண்ணம் மட்டும் என் சொந்தம்… பூவின் வாசம் எல்லாமே உன் சொந்தமே” You start wondering the depths of meaning to this new form of a tale she has taken. The slow narration has pushed you to a pond of thoughts. And yet again the musical veil appears and the beat increases. But you are not very surprised as you go on to kiss her and seal the moment. “புது யுகமே பிறந்ததோ பரிமாற்றம் நிகழ்ந்ததோ இரு துருவம் இணைந்ததோ இடைவெளிகள் தொலைந்ததோ காலமென்னும் நதியில் விழுந்து இரவும் நகர்ந்தது, பகலும் நகர்ந்தது, இதயமும் நகர்ந்ததுவோ” இதயம் இடம் மாறியதே.. விழிகள் வழி மாறியதே இதுதானே காதல் என்று அசரீரி கேட்கின்றதே மனமே மனமே எதனால் இத்தனை உற்சாகம் உணக்குள்ளே புதுவித தடுமாற்றம் உனக்கென்ன நடந்தது சொல்வாயோ? உனக்கென்ன நடந்தது சொல்வாயோ? As she asks you this, you can now go on in an endless journey to search the answer. “உனக்கென்ன நடந்தது சொல்வாயோ?”


The Beach

Think of this. When was the last time you went to a beach? With what idea did you decide to go to the beach? Did you ever think of the emotions you had while you were returning from that beach? There was a difference isn’t it? What was that fog of emotions running in your mind during every nano second you spent there? Can you picture each moment you had there? Every second of it? Can you picture the faces of people you went with? You’ll realise that you remember things at which you put your thought into, that moment. The beach is not just a tourist place. It’s not just a place for romantics, kids, families, photoshoots and shops. The way i see it, it’s a place of stories that went untold as it looked cliché. It’s a place for those bearded men wearing rectangle glasses and mirrored life style, to have an evening with their loved ones, realize and form a kaleidoscope of their own lives using those mirrors of despair. It’s a place for that person who regretted everything he/she did and struggled towards solitude. Beach is a dream world for them. Some people came to this beach one day, searching for an answer and the beach gave them the answer by proving them livelihood. Some of them worship it as their deity. People say that the waves talk to us. For some the waves did not talk to them, but instead chose to listen to those people. Either way, it helped them. From the people who come to beach to exercise to the orphan kid enjoying a bit by thinking over the ideology of the existence of the supreme soul, the beach is a place where the themes of stories date each other in an unknown dimension. Sometimes, When we’re at the beach, it seems like we’re thinking nothing, but the thoughts we put up on the winds is unexplainable. If thinking about everything without consciously thinking anything isn’t peace? Then what is? We seem to be forming a new fog of thoughts filled with heavy emotions and yet feel light and completely ignorant about the flow of our thoughts. Someone should give a name to this astral projection. The beach seems far from home to everyone. Whether you’re in the next street across the shore or in another city, the beach is indeed far from your lives.   I wonder if the winds carry these scattered thoughts in the beach and spread it out over the city. From providing hope to the lives of people who come there, to giving a light, intense hug to the talks we shared there, the beach triumphed everything else. From becoming a pit stop to travellers to becoming a place for serious life changing conversations, the beach has identified itself as a refugees’ home for a lot of lives. With love,   ” கடற்கரை வாசலே, கலங்கிய கண்களுக்கும் நீ தான் அன்றைய சொர்க்கம் வினா தேடி வருபோர்க்கு, கனா அளிக்கும் தன்மையை நீ பெற்றது எவ்வாறு? அடைக்கலம் பெற வந்த என்னை புல்லாங்குழல் சத்தம் வரவேற்றதும் உன் வேலை தானோ பறந்த மனம் பெற்ற ஒரே ஜீவன் நீ என்பதை உணர்ந்தேன். துள்ளி, தவிழ்ந்து, ஓர் நாய்குட்டிப்போல் உன் அலைகள் என் கால்களை உரச, கோடி புன்னகையாய் நான் ஜொலித்தேன் அலை ஓசைகளின் மத்தியில், தாலாட்டு பாடும் உன் சுவாசம் எம் மேல் சாய, கோடி கண்ணீர் நினைவுகளின் மத்தியில் நான் சிரித்தேன் கடற்கரையாகி உன்னிடம் சேர்ந்து வாழ கனவு கண்டேன். ”  


Random Thoughts: Just Cry

I had a good amount of points to make a write up about smiling, and it’s good effects. But when i was thinking about that, i personally felt writing about crying is needed much more than to write about smiling. Umm…Personally, for me crying is a very hard thing to do. I just don’t cry and no that’s not a positive trait which I’m boasting about. Infact during one of the many low phases that life has gifted me with, I was at a position when I had to let go of all the ego and just cry. But I couldn’t and it was not due to that ego but I just couldn’t cry. I spent one entire month in anxiety following that because I could just let go and cry. I knew I will feel okay if I cry it out. But I couldn’t. Even at this moment, I am just unable to cry .So having known about this, one commonly used phrase is disturbing me a lot. ” Aambalaya irundhtuu azhura” Wtf seriously? Ellarkum thondradhu easy ah sollira vishayam, ovvoruthanum ovvoru kavala nu. Do u people seriously know the depth of that? Like do u really mean it when u say that? Come on why do u bring in gender into this frame ? Avan avanukku ennavo azhanum na azhuvaan. You never stepped into his shoes to know what he’s undergoing. Its always easy to just tell him, ” dei life laam jolly ah eduthutu poiranum da, yen azhudhutu ellam “, but honestly speaking, maybe, if u were in his shoes, you would be dead already. So maybe he has the stronger emotional intelligence here, compared to you. So stop bringing gender into the picture. Oruthan azhuraana avanukku enna problem enna nu kekka pazhagu. Poitu periya dash madhiri enna da azhura, idhukellam azhuvangala nu kekkadha. It takes hell a lot of courage to cry in front of people. But be thankful that at least he has opened up and that he’s willing to show others that he’s not okay. For example soldren, Enakkum en friend kum oru prechana vechipom. Rendu perukum ore madhrii prechana. Avan adha marakka sarakkadikraan. Naan edhum pannama poi ukkandhu azhuraen. Naan en azhuraen na enakku azhanum pola thonudhu azhuraen..avanukku adhu thonuchu adhu panraan. Idhula rendu per melayum thappilla. Aana epdi oru adipattu kedakura aal thanni adicha ethukuraangalo adha vida kammiya ethukranga when the same man cries out. Avan azhugaya nirutha udane edhachum thappana advice adhu idhu nu pannira vendiyadhu. Stop that. Think. Bathroom la olinjirundhu azhudha adhu aambalathanam, idhe thaanga mudila azhanum nu nenachi azhudha avan aambala illaya? If you just tag gender to each person around us to their emotional state, then each one of us will be ‘a man once and a woman next’ according to your bullshit notions that women are emotionally weak than men. If u stereotypically state that men’s don’t cry, it’s like stating as if that to prove that he’s a man, he has to resist his basic human emotions. There are many other ways for one to prove if he/she is a man/ woman and it has nothing to do with such basic human emotions. Next time when you see a person. A HUMAN… Ummm okay, ANY LIVING THING, crying, hug it, love it, cure it , help it. Or just let it cry, but don’t spoil it by saying such idiotic statements Parents kum sollika virumburaen idhaye. Aana sila times parents ellam paasakkara people naala vera madhiri anbu thollai varum. Andha anbu naala oruthan open ah solla vandha kuda solla maatan.It’s completely unrelatable but definitely deserves a mention. ” Enda kanna azhuraaaa?” ” Onnum illa ma” “Pasikudhaaaa?” ” Illa ma” ” Vayiru valikudhaaaa? Thala valikudhaaa?” ” Illlla maa” ” Upma senjivechirken, en da azhura? Solla maatiyaa?” ” Ma adhan soldraen la ma onnum illa” ” Appo enna da prechana unakku?” “Theriyama un munnadi azhudhutaen ma. Adhan thappu, poi upma konduvaaa” This is anbu kolai I hope u understand what I’m conveying and try to make your environment, a better place for everyone to live in with peace. Just cry, baby. 


Random Thoughts: Queues Q’s

I feel so compelled to talk about certain things, thinking of which i feel so irritated.. 1st problem I’m going to address is passing comments based on your judgement of physical capacity of a person. I’m sure most of the people would have heard this phrase being said by some jobless uncles standing near queues stating, ” indha chinna vayasula indha pasangalaala nikka mudila” or worse, “aambala pullaya irundhutu nikka mudila soldra” Well let me be clear, you don’t know what physical problems another person is undergoing. You cannot judge another person’s strength or weaknesses and he need not ‘declare’ his physical problems to you. Maybe he is perfectly alright and will spring up if you telecast a Katrina Kaif song video or Ms Dhoni batting video. Maybe he is just fed up standing and feels sitting down somewhere nearby will be more interesting. Maybe he’s going to stay up longer wherever he is or maybe he has some sporting event to attend so he is saving energy for that. I completely agree with the fact that people should have a fit, healthy physique. I’m working towards developing my healthy body and I hope all of you develop too. But that doesn’t mean that you go around ridicule a person who’s not fit and start applying pressure. If a person feels that he’s not at his best physical health, he knows about it better than anyone. So shut the hell up. Now coming to that whole bizarre, “aambala pullaya iruntu…” Yes,  Men are stereotypically expected to be strong, but i just don’t know how that is related to ones ability to stand in long queues or in bus stops. People’s physical strengths vary drastically from one person to another For example, i can lift an empty Gas cylinder without much effort. But the regular boy who supplies gas cylinders and who is roughly about the same age of mine can lift a full, heavy cylinder without any effort as it has become his daily routine. The 13 year old kid who supplies Milk packets to houses also does various other jobs like supplying newspapers, going around collecting Milk Distribution cards, etc. I always see him busy, doing some job or the other. i can never imagine doing anything like that. Now just because these 2 people are young and let’s suppose assume it that they’re unable to stand in queues for long when compared to me, does that mean I’m stronger than them? Maybe or may not be. There’s no need to be. There’s no proper standard to measure these things. Some people even go to the extent of giving statements like, ” look at all those girls who are standing. Look at those energetic kids. Now why can’t you stand?” Okay its a good thing that they find standing in stupid queues so interesting, so what? You mean to say they’re stronger? Will things remain same, say, in a cricket field for example? Last year i was admitted in Isabelle’s due to food poisoning. There was this uncle who was sitting near the entrance of my ward. So when the warden took sometime to arrange the room, this guy started a convo with me and asked. ” Ungalukku enna college pora vayasu irukkuma? ” I said aama for which he turned and looked at a guy who was standing behind him and gave this nakkal kind of reaction. After i went in, he told him “Kanda edathula suthi saaptu sarakkadikka vendiyadhu , indha vayasulaye food poisoning nu admit aaga vendiyathu”. And unfortunately my receptors heard this brilliance of a dialogue. ” enda naaye, Sky walk ku edhirthaapula irukkura Juice kadai la watermelon juice vaangi kudichen. Food poisoning aagi pudungukichu, vaandhi eduthen. Ippo unakkum adhe immunity level irundhurundha unakkum dhan da aagirkum. Adhukkum vayasukkum enna samandham? Seri adha kuda vudu, nee yaarra ******* en food habits pathi judge panradhukku? Kanda edathula saapduven hospital la seranum nu aachu na seruven. Adhellam naan paathukren, nee yaaru idha kekka?” But no we shouldn’t reply to them apdi laam, yen nu keta, “public nu vandhuta apdi dhan keppanga, pesuvanga, kandukama po” And some old macho thuglife unkils sometimes drop their perfectly crafted finisher move, “Enga kaalathula… Unga vayasula irukkrapo….naan laaam….. neengalum irukeengalae ” ” Reputed respected saar avargaley… Dhinam dhinam 5 packet dhum adichu TB vandhu kedakureenga. Ungalukku idhu thevaya? Ungalukku munnadiye porandhu sethaaru Bruce Lee aana unga moonja paatha nyaabagam varudhu Sundeli. Naanga laam enga vayasula enga kaalathula epdi irukom theriyuma? Unga vayasula engalukku varapora kaalathula epdi irukka nenaikrom nu puriyuma?” Nu kekka thonum aana kekka koodaathu. Apram avarkkum namakkum enna vidhyasam? A big salute to all people who had to painstakingly stand in long ATM queues. Especially people with physical disabilities and senior citizens. 😢😢👏👏

Short Stories, தமிழ்

கரையும் இடைவெளி

கனவு. மூன்றெழுத்து.ஆழமோ, வேறொரு உலகம் அறியும்.   காதல். மூன்றெழுத்து. ஆழமோ, அவள் கண்ணிமைகளில் நீ கட்ட நினைக்கும் முத்தக்கோட்டை அறியும். கனவும் நிறைவேறி , அது காதலியாய் மாறி அவ்வப்பொழுது நினைவூட்டும் அழகிய நினைவுகளில் ஒன்று . அன்று திருவனந்தபுரம் சென்றுகொண்டிருந்தோம். ரயிலில் இருக்கும்  இரண்டாவது அடுக்கில் தூங்கிக்கொண்டிருந்தேன் நான். ஆறடிக்கு தென்னைமரம் போல் வளர்ந்துவிட்டமையால் ரயில் பயணத்தில் வசதிக்கெல்லாம் இடம் இல்லை. திடீரென்று முழிப்பு வர, கண்ணை கசக்கிக்கொண்டே எழுந்தேன். “என்னடா? தூங்கு” என்றாள் “இவளே எழுந்துட்டாளா?? விடிஞ்சிருச்சோ?” என்று எண்ணிக்கொண்டு எழுந்து பார்த்தேன். ஒரு கையில் சிப்ஸ் பொட்டலமும், மறுகையில் music playerம் வைத்து கொண்டு பாட்டு கேட்டுக்கொண்டிருந்தாள். தீனிப்பண்டாரம் எனக்கு கொடுக்காமல் அவளே சாப்பிட்டு கொண்டிருந்தாள். “என்ன மொரப்பு? ச்சி, படு” என்றாள் நானும் மறுபடியும் உறங்க சென்றேன். கண்ணை மூட, மனதில் ஓராயிரம் எண்ணங்கள். “இரவு நேரம், காதலி, யாருமில்ல” இது மட்டும் என் மனதில், அங்கு சம்பவிக்கக்கூடிய அனைத்து நிகழ்வுகளையும் காட்ட, எழுந்து அவளை உத்துப்பார்த்தேன். இசையில் மூழ்கிக் கிடந்தாள். “ஐயோ, நாமளே டூயட் பாடலாமே எரும”,என்று நினைத்துக்கொண்டு, கைக்கழுவும் இடத்திற்கு சென்றேன். முகத்தை நீரில் கழுவி , கண்ணாடியில் என் முகத்தை உத்துப்பார்த்துக் கொண்டிருந்தேன். “டேய் நீ மாதவன் டா மச்சான்” என்று புகழாரம் சூட்டிக்கொண்டு, என் தொலைபேசியை எடுத்து ஏதோ நொண்டி கொண்டிருந்தேன். திடீரென ஏதோ சத்தம் கேட்க, திரும்பி பார்த்தேன். கைக்கழுவும் இடத்திற்கு அருகில் இருந்த சுவரின் மீது சாய்ந்துகொண்டு கையில் இருந்த music player இல் ஏதோ நொண்டி கொண்டிருந்தாள். அவள் அருகில் சென்றேன். “என்னடி பண்ற? தூங்கல?” என்று கேட்டேன். என் முகத்தை கூடப் பார்க்காமல், ” போர் அடிக்குது டா” என்றாள் இன்னும் அருகில் சென்றேன். அவளும் நான் நெருங்கியதை உணர்ந்தாள். “ஏய்” என்று கூப்பிட்டேன். “ஹம்ம்” என்றால். “எய்ய்ய்” என்றேன். எதுவும் கூறவில்லை. புரிந்துவிட்டது அவளுக்கு. அவள் கன்னத்தை பிடித்து முகத்தை எழுப்பினேன். வெட்கமும் காதலும் அவள் முகத்தில் ஜொலிக்க, நொடிகளை அவள் கண் இமைகளில் சேர்த்துவைத்தேன். “யாராச்சும் வராங்களா?” என்று கேட்டேன். எனக்கு பின் இருக்கும் பாதையை ஒரு நொடி பார்த்து, “யாரோ இருக்காங்க…. ஆனா…” என்றால். இடைவெளிகள் கரைய, முத்தமிட சென்றேன். ஆனால் யாரோ வருவதைப் போல் இருந்தது. என்ன செய்வதென்று தெரியாமல், திடீரென்று கைக்கழுவும் இடத்திற்கு தாவி, எதுவும் நடக்காததை போல் நின்றேன். ரயில் காதலுக்கு ஏற்ற இடம் என்றால், இரவில் பயணம் செய்பவர்கள் அதற்கு கிடைத்த அசுரர்கள். சில நொடிக்கு பிறகு, சிரித்துக்கொண்டே சென்று தூங்கச்சென்றாள். அன்று எங்கள் உதடுகள் சேரவில்லை. ஆனாலும் அந்த கண்கள்… இரு உயிர்கள் சேர அவர்களின் தோல்கள் தொடவேண்டுமோ? நானும் சென்று என் தொலைபேசியை எடுத்து, இசையிடம் என் அனுபவத்தை கொண்டாட சென்றேன். “இதயம் இடம் மாறியதே, விழிகள் வழி மாறியதே” என்னும் பாடல். “மனமே மனமே எதனால் இத்தனை உற்சாகம் உணக்குள்ளே புதுவித தடுமாற்றம்   உனக்கென்ன நடந்தது சொல்வாயோ?   ஓ… மனமே மனமே எதனால் இத்தனை கொண்டாட்டம்   கண்ணுக்குள்ளே கனவுகள் கொடியேற்றம்   உனக்கென்ன நடந்தது சொல்வாயோ? புது யுகமே பிறந்ததோ பரிமாற்றம் நிகழ்ந்ததோ   இரு துருவம் இணைந்ததோ இடைவெளிகள் தொலைந்ததோ   காலமென்னும் நதியில் விழுந்து   இரவும் நகர்ந்தது, பகலும் நகர்ந்தது, இதயமும் நகர்ந்ததுவோ”

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