Positivity against Hatred – Random Thoughts

Look, maybe contrary to what others say, sometimes you might feel that the “love” others express to you, is a weakness as you tend to reciprocate more of it and that the “hatred” people show towards you, is what strengthens you. You aren’t wrong and you needn’t be totally right. I have been there too. But if you feel that way, use it and “start learning to change that hatred into positivity”.

Some years ago after my schooling, when I was not at my best, and was just a broken human surviving with no hope or motivation about my future, I was fortunate enough to have learnt this lesson. I started using the hatred around me to build up my positivity and I still feel that is my biggest strength and I have also grown up to be a person who accepts love, as it is. It’s much similar to what we learn in our commerce classes – competition is always healthy if you know how to handle it.

If someone is bitching behind your back, don’t react much for you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. If someone criticises you directly, sends an abusive message, etc etc, feel the pain, give it back in return if you feel your self respect is at stake, realise how tall you’re than them, ask yourself if you’re being true to yourself and use that hatred towards building up your positive attitude. This is exactly what I told in a write-up I posted previously about Isaignani.

This maybe looks so simple to you given the amount of words written in the net trying to express the same, but you would feel so damn good in the future when you are wielding a super power of processing hatred into positivity and not just that, you’d be starting to think more before hating others. But it’s not that easy, as we humans tend to hate hatred. It is indeed tough, but that’s how it is supposed to be

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