Sherman, Sarah, and the Chicago Diary Note – A Short Story

​In the fall of 1998, Mr. Sherman found the old diary of his late wife. Ever since, whenever his sons visit him, he would take out and recite what his wife had written on one particular page from that diary and tell them all that went through his mind during that particular incident. Even though it was the very same incident, the very same words that they were about to hear from their aged father, his sons never complained. They used to hear it with such enthusiasm as if it was the 1st time.

George, the youngest of the 3 sons, recorded the recital in a journal so that he could show them to his children when the time came and could boast about his parents and the classy 50s romance between them.

“It was 1954. I was barely 25 and was working in a bank near our house in Chicago. One particular week, your mother was pestering me to take her out to a nearby circus. We had just started going out and we used to be so excited about going out and having dinner. So the plan was to go to the circus, and then go to a restaurant. This particular dairy note was about a conversation we had at the circus entrance that evening..I think your mother wrote this that night. So here, let me recite it out.

“22nd August 1954.  I don’t think I will ever forget this day. Sherman and I went out to a circus and then to grab dinner. I understood a lot about him today. At this juncture, we’re inseparable best friends more than a couple, and getting to know each other feels… so lovely. I was very excited about this evening and I was getting ready, when I realised that my make-up kit was missing. I felt so nervous and anxious that I had to search the whole house some 3 times. Sherman was constantly shouting at me for the delay and after a million thought processes, I decided to go without any make-up. I was so nervous. But I couldn’t afford to miss that evening. I think he noticed that I had no make-up on. After reaching the circus, we had to wait near the entrance for Sherman’s friend Paul who had bought the tickets for us. Paul did not show up till then and the show had nearly started. There was hardly anyone near the entrance and we thought that the hall would have filled by now. We were having this strange conversation about modern cars when suddenly Sherman turned towards me, held my waist and kissed me…It felt very different this time. He then looked me in my eyes and said ‘You look very beautiful tonight, darling.’ I’m sure he noticed that I was wearing no make-up. Maybe I looked awkward. But those eyes.. it never lied. I think he really meant it. I really wish to see how I look through his eyes.”

It was indeed a very memorable evening. I do remember every second of it, every minute detail about it. You boys will never know how I felt when I read this page for the 1st time. I did notice that she had no make-up on; that didn’t matter, and it never did because she always looked so…glorious. Maybe she would have looked prettier with all that make-up on; she surely thought so. But that night, like for the rest of my life, she looked perfect. My Sarah.

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